Top2049 Universal Programmer Software Download: Tips and Tricks for Programming EEPROMs, Flash, and
A generic (universal) device tester is also included in the GUI. With unitestpins on the programmer's ZIF socket can manually be toggled, read, set to avoltage or oscillator frequency. This is useful for testing chips andmicrocontroller programs.
Top2049 Universal Programmer Software Download
First thing is to install the Universal programmer software Topwin.exe that is supplied with the programmer.The latest version6.3.1 installs fine on Windows 7 OS. After successful installation the Topwin icon appears on your desktop.
The programmer is a hardware device that is designed for transferring or writing the program/software to a flash ic or chip. This is also called a ROM burner. Every electronic circuit including a rom ic or EEPROM simply called memory is to stores the instruction about its operation written by a developer. this information or program can only be transferred into memory ic by the help of a programming tool or burning device. so, there are too many programming devices available in the market for flashing bios on computer/laptop and for writing software in all electronic appliances like DVD, LCD, LED TV, etc.
Has anyone tried the software for TOP2005 with the TOP2004 programmer, I would imagine that if the same types of devices are supported and the unit simply adds support for more devices that it should work?
hi SUB, can you outline the process of updating the driver on vista cos by double clicking on windr16, it says a setup.dll or so not found. and i dont really know how to use the inf file. i have tried to use this programmer by using it from a virtual machine created in vmware, the programmer software runs as if no problems but the PIC does not run, ie it does nothing and i have an hp pavillion laptop and i dont think i want to degrade to xp right now.
I love electronics. Building basic circuits, programming microcontrollers, making malicious self-replicating robots programmed to hate humans, and even so much as wiring up complete motherboards with old processors and LCDs. I had to find a USB flash/eeprom programmer that fit my hardcore lifestyle. On ebay a few years back, I bought the TOP2004. This wondrous piece of Chinese equipment is cheap, cheap, and USB. I needed USB because in the process of making my own flash programmer a while back, I destroyed half the pins on my parallel port. The programmer worked great, but only worked for one chip. I needed something a bit more versatile. The top2004 isn't a bad piece of equipment. The manual was translated poorly from Chinese, as is the software that comes with it.
Requirements: a 64-bit OS that doesn't let you use 32-bit drivers (namely Windows 7 x64), a 32-bit version of Windows laying around, virtualization software (check out VirtualBox) which is running your 32-bit version of Windows, a Top2004 programmer, DSEO, and the infwizard utility with libusb drivers (virus free, I promise).
Obviously running it in a VM is less than ideal, but it's better than dropping $200 on a real programmer that might actually have 64-bit support. The great part about this version (2.52) of the TopWin software is that it supports the atmega168, which is almost exactly the same as the atmega328...meaning arduino fans new and old can use it. I'm not an arduino guy and use the chip just by itself with avr-gcc, but you can do whatever the hell you want once you get the TOP programmer working.
The red led glows indicating power is ON to the programmer.Now double click the Topwin icon on your desktop to start the program. Caution: First connect the device to the Usb port and after the power Led lights up then start the Topwin program.If you start the program and then try to connect the device to the Usb port, the program will CRASH. The main window appears like Like any other software,on the top appears the MENU bar with dropdown functions. Below the menu bar you can see a strip of image icons forming the TOOL bar. The icons from left to right enables following functions Load file to buffer, Save buffer to file, Select Chip, Erase Chip, Check Blank Chip, Write code to chip, Compare chip with the file buffer, Write config.
Except two chips, but it is very rare chips: AMD AM27C2048 and Hitachi HN27C4096G Also, one very old micro controller jumped to EPROM line (AMD D87C51), but programmer managed to read it too. Inside I found some software with 1991 copyright. Next test point- various flash ROMs from personal computers and other MCU controlled devices.
I used the drivers and software posted by SUB here What I did to get working was to first install topwinen3x.exe. When the install prompts to load the USB driver say NO to install USB driver and DON NOT LET THE SOFTWARE INSTALL THE USB DRIVERS. Finish the install without the USB driver. Copy all the files (every file and folder) from the downloaded drivers folder.
1. 1 Chapter 1 Software introduction and installation 1111installation For Operating system:Windows7/vista/2000/2003/xp. OnWindows7/vista,You must setup byAdministratorAdministratorAdministratorAdministrator degree, and onxp,both by general or administrators .About "Administrator",seewindows help-documents. Attention: dodododo notnotnotnotlinklinklinklink thethethetheprogrammerprogrammerprogrammerprogrammer beforebeforebeforebeforeinstallinginstallinginstallinginstalling. Run Setup.exe when thefollowing picture appeared: Click the second line "Intl. English,"in order to show the process of installation in English.(It has norelationship of the business of the language of the Topwin, it hasit's own language.) You also can chose 2. 2 the first line forChinese guide. Press OK to continue. Prsee NEXT Install the Topwinto c:topwin6. Copying , it may be cost you about 30 seconds. 3. 3Click FINISH then to resume the computer. The icon of Topwin willbe appeared on your desktop when the installing succesd Windowsneed to login the device driver when the first link the programmer.So following thw step: Link the USB interface on you computer toprogrammer by USB cable.Red light on programmer turns onGreen notyet. Found new hardware and recognize Top Programmer.that could besave. Otherwise, the following installing will be fail. 4. 4 Chosethe third line "no ,not yet." Press NEXT Chose the first line"AUTOSTALLING" Press NEXT 5. 5 Finding the device driver,it may be costabout 1060seconds. Press CANCELto reinstall when overtime. Found,pressFINISHto ending. Now you can run the Topwin to read and writechip when the green light on programmer turns on. 6. 6 2222Introduction The current basic modes that TopWinsupported include TOP 2005,TOP 2007,TOP 2009,TOP2049,TOP3000,TOP3100. For Windows7/vista/2000/2003/xp. The picturefollowing shown the functions on main window of the topwin6Functions on main window. 7. 7 Note to new user: 1 Master thefunctions and their place on main window.Attention : you also canfind the buffer zone by tag the location on main window except forclick 2 Programmer has external power supply. different computershas it own current of USB interface.Programmer could read and writemost of the chip without external power supply except EPROM of 27series or devices it's current lager then 500 MA. 3 Display devicescorrectly while writing.Besides the lock block there is aschematic,you also can find it in the end of this book onappendix1. Main window After TopWin start-up,Runoffline is more of less the same with run on- line without read andwrite chips.Main window of topwin6 will be showed on the screen asfollows: 8. 8 Interface of software Menu Tool 9. 9 Buffer Operation10. 10 Report: The manual is about the function of main Window.Theicons in toolbox has the same effect with operation in menu, itmakes the operation more convenient. It will show you the functionof the icon when you move the mouse on it. it is the icon forchange English to Chinese. 11. 11 Chapter 2 File Operation2. FileMenu "File" menu includes the file access andprint operation, the format applies to binary system,hexadecimaland JECED. The file menu's functions are: openfile Chose menufile/open filecorresponding icon .Shown the savedfile in buffer zone,operate and pop file window: Chose the filename you need,appear the dialog. 12. 12 Confirming the file format1 Chose the file format in "project file",for example a hexadecimalfile, .HEX 2 Chose byte. Many devices should set byte while shownthe dialog. 3 Select the way to fill, if it is 00, then the bufferzone so.If it is FF,so is the blank. Select "save the data"to savethe used data. 4 Select the address of buffer zone.start with 0 innormal,we have more choice for you 5 Press "Yes" to put-in the datato buffer zone,as the follows: 13. 13 Loading file data into thebuffer zone After the loading of file data into the buffer zone,ifrequired to amend,move the mouse or keyboard to the relative byteand input the number directly.But the input number must be twohexadecimal numbers. If there is a large volume data, and thetarget data is not in the window, please use editing key "PageUp",Page Down","Home"and"End"to turn page. PLD device introducesJECED formatted file of fuse diagram info with the extension of".JFD",after the data is loaded into the buffer zone,it 14. 14 willrun as follows: Chose the correct device then you can open the PLDdevice. Data load in to the buffer zone,as follows: Device PLDloading to buffer 2.1.2 Loading file to buffer : Such MCU/MPU asPIC12f629,sst89c58,at90s8515,should be written data and procedureboth. Procedure write-in from 0000, data write-in the address whichthe device point.(Window under the buffer will 15. 15 show("datafrom xxxx to xxxx")).The function is help you to write-in data inthe correct address. Loading step is the same with "Open file".Attention, select the empty device before setup. Loading of thefile data into the buffer zone Loading of the file data such asMCU/MPU of ATMEGA8L should be set the byte, example at Chapter3/3.2.3/Read-Write MCU/MPU/3 Reopen Pressmenu/file/reopen then will be shown. 16. 16 Reopen Select the filename you want, then loading to buffer. Savebuffer : The icon is to save the data in buffer zone. The data beedited in buffer zone need to save as file, press "file/buffersave", pop up a dialog as follows: 17. 17 Save buffer Input a filename as "a", make sure the type as"hexadecimal". Press"Save"to savethe data in file of a.hex. Open Project Theextension of project is ".top", product from "Save project".Press"file/open project",pop up a dialog as follows: 18. 18 Open projectSelect project"", press "open". SaveProject We loaded data and sets while read-write the device, so wecan save the operation as a project in order to make it easier thenext time. "Project" include buffer set device , set up , type .Project is suit of the process of production, it make sure thedevice is correct. Attention:It will be refused if the projectbeing damaged. The examples about save project is on Chapter3/3.2.3/read-write MUC,MPC/example 3 (read-write W79E2051) Close ProjectThe function is to close the"Project" opened . Print bufferTo print thedata in buffer. Select "file/print buffer",pop up a dialog asfollows: 19. 19 Print Press "Yes" to print the data in buffer zoneif the set is correct. Modify and editor Menu: Theoperation is to edit the data in the buffer zone. Find The operation is to find the named datain the buffer zone. Select the menu"Modify and editor/find",thestandard finding dialog box springs as follows: Find Input ASCLcode or two hexadecimal characters(no case sensitive). Press"Start", also can press"Continue "to find another. 20. Fill Buffer The operation can fill in thebuffer zone units with required data. Select "Change Buffer Size",the dialog box springs: Fill Buffer Input the start address, endaddress of the infill block, and the data to be filled in, andpress"Yes". SUM: Select "Modify/Sum", pop up adialog as follows: Input the start and end address, press "Sum",then you will see the sum. 21. 21 Chapter 3 Device Operation3. Conventional Procedures Connect to programmercorrectly;power indicator (red)turns on. Run "TopWin.exe",andworking indicator(green)turns on. Select "File" in the mainmenu,and upload data to the file buffer. Insert the device into thesocket and lock it up,and then be ready for written-in and read-outoperation of device. Bad device because of the pin rusted, a dialogpop up from the main Window will show you the bad space: Dialogshow the bad pin 22. 22 Operate menu: Operate menu asfollows: Operate menu A toolbar for improving the speed: Operatebar on the left head of buffer zone: 23. 23 Integrated operationSame function but operation between three, menu and toolbox areoperate alone, integrated operation could do more operation andread- write continually. You can chose what you like. 24. select device by multiple list Chose"operate/select device" , then appeared the dialog as follows:Select device Select"Type of Device"in the"Type"menusuch as"GAL/PLD". Select a manufacturer from the list of"Manufacturer",like"ATMEI". Select a device type from the listof"Device",like select"89c51". Fuzzy Findit means finding withdevice type or manufacturer, for example input "51", then you willsee MUC/MPC device of series 51. Narrowed the range and improve thespeed. 25. 25 Select device by "Tree" Click ,show dialogas: follows When you select device without search, you can only usemouse click '+' to expand tree,you will find out the chip step bystep. 26. 26 You can also input part of chip name in edit box,findout the chip quickly as following: 1.input part of chip name inedit box,like "at89"; 2.Click [Search]; 3.Click '+' to expandtree,find out chip at length; 4.Select one you want,like "at89c51";5. Click [OK]. Note: You can't see the chip name by only click[Search] ,you must also click '+' to expand list step by step. 27.27 Read-write device Erasing: Erase allcontents if the device memory. After being erased, the device shows"FF". Only EEP device can use this command, and EPROM needs to beearsed with ultraviolet radiation. Blank Check: Before write indevice, it is required to check whether there is a blank. Each byteof the Blank is "FF"(HEX). The check-out procedures are visuallydisplayed via progress bar. When find out some non-blank unit, itwill exit from the blank check-out procedures and display theaddress and data of the non-blank unit.This operation will checkout all address space of EPROM, which is independent of the devicestart address or the data length. EPROM can be checked after beingirradiated with uviol lamp,if still fail to pass, it is proved thatthe device was already damaged. Write-in Device: The write-indevice is to write the data of the buffer into a device. Thedefault values of File Start Address are 0,which implies writingdata into all the units of this device. While the length of thedata can be up to six bits hexadecimal (HEX) numerals and themaximal address space is 8M. If necessary, use can follow requiredconditions to modify start address, so as to fulfil the intentionto write in. CautionsCautionsCautionsCautionsBefore write indevice, special attention should be paid to not to mistake devicetypes,otherwise,device or devices might be damaged, owing to thedevice types are totally different, the corresponding servingprogramming voltage might be different. Data Censor: This operationcompares the data in the buffer with those in the device,which isvisually displayed via progress bar. When confront with any unitfails to be censored, it will exit from the data censor proceduresand visually display the fault unit address, the data in the bufferand the device data. For ensuring the written-in data in the 28. 28device are correct, the "write-in device" operation should includethe censor procedures. Therefore, no repetition of the sameoperation is required. Write-in Configuration: should be set theconfiguration of device before writing because there are so manydifference between devices. Press "device configuration"under thebuffer to set it. Protection: Many EEPROM and FLASH ROM haveprotection functions, the device with protection function can onlybe read out, instead of being written into, unless invalidata theprotection function. This operation is generally applied withcompletion of write-in operation. Read-out DeviceRead out all thedata in the device and write them in the buffer except the devicewithout encryption. Read-out Manufacturer: The former byte of thetwo-byte read- out code denotes the manufacturer, and the latterone denotes the type. Such function as read configuration, write-indata, protect, erasing, write- in GAL/PLD, Reading shockcalibration, userInfo, they will spring while read-write differentMCU/MPU. You could found them in help file "Config.chm"(in thefolder of setup). Read-Write Device : Windowfor read-write are different because of the types of device.Examples to illustrate how to read-write kinds of devices:mindabout operation 1 EPROM 29. 29 Select in Window"select device type"Type: EPROM Manufacturer: AMD Device: AM2764 Press"Confirmation"back to main menu. Loading data to buffer; insert thesame type device in to lock block. The USB interface offersdifferent current, some larger than 500MA, others smaller than300MA, EPROM belongs to large current device, so advice use theexternal power supply while writing it. Operation box left handbeside buffer will spring the three functions of this device: Checkblank, write code, verify. You could press Press [Go] to write thebuffer data to device, then report shows: It will the wrong addressin report if the device is not blank or can not be 30. 30 write-in:buffer data and device data. You could press [Run] to write-in muchmore devices one time. Press it and a dialog shown as follows: Takethe device away which was written-in. Insert a new device, lock theblock, the it will write-in auto. You also can find the icon intoolbox: The three icon front have the function with"CheckBlank","Write Code","Verify". Press the icon in toolbox to make theoperation alone. Read chip to buffer. 31. 31 Display MFA and type.It also shows at menu/operation. Erasing by EEPROM if the EPROMneed to rewrite-in. 2Read-Write EEPROM Select in Window"selectdevice type" Type: EEPROM Manufacturer: SEEQ Device: DQ28256 Press"Confirm"back to main menu. Loading data to buffer; insert the sametype device in to lock block. Operation box left hand beside bufferwill spring the four functions of this device: Icons spring intoolbox. 32. 32 Differentce between EPROM and EEPROM:1: EEPROM onprogrammer while device need to rewrite. So it has more erasing inmenu and toolbox than EPROM. 2:EEPROM could protect the data. Press[Go], programmer will erase the old data on DQ28256, check theempty device, write-in data from buffer to device, proofreading.Press menu "operation/protect" or icon in toolbox to protect thedata written in device, reports as follows: 3Read-Write MCU/MPU :MCU/MPU has lots of types such asAT89c51,PIC12F629,AT90S8535,ATMEG8L,W79E2051. Take 89c51 for anexample, select the following items from the Window of"SelectManufacturer/Type" Type MCU/MPU Manufacturer:ATMEL Device:AT89c51Press "Confirm",back to the main menu. Input file to bufferzone,insert the same type device in to lock block. Operation boxleft hand beside buffer will spring the five functions of thisdevice: 33. 33 Read-write MCU/MPU Select the function which youwant,press [Go], programmer will operate "Erase""Blank""Writecode""Verify""Config""Lock". Shows the reports at the end of theoperation: It will shop the operate and shows the wrong address anddata in report if one of the process has any mistake. Data can notbe read from device to buffer if MCU/MPU had been locked, press"read chip" or , you can see FF only. Take PIC12F629for the following items from the Window of"SelectManufacturer/Type" Type MCU/MPU Manufacturer:MICROCHIPDevice:PIC12F629 34. 34 Press "Confirm", spring the follows picturefor pins. Chip placed Back to main menu. Loading the data tobuffer;insert the same type device in to lock block. Operation boxleft hand beside buffer will spring the six functions of thisdevice: 35. 35 Have more function such as write data, writeconfiguration. Normal device has no data section, so needless thefunction "write data", but MCU/MPU such asIC12f629,sst89c58,at90s8515 equivalent to a 24xxxx(EEPROM) in itneed two file: one is procedure, the other is data, loading tobuffer twice. Procedure usually start at address 0000, startaddress of data shows under the Window of buffer("Data from xxxx toxxxx"), example, device designated the address is , user shouldloading data on the point address. If loading by "Open", "BufferAddress" should be input the designated address. Add "loading datato buffer"in menu in order to make the process conveniently,so theprocedure will set start address automatically and make sure thestart address is correct. Note,data buffer address is not the realaddress of device, it just a address to save the data, the finallyaddress write-in device is decide by procedure. Pressmenu"file/loading data to buffer" then pop up a dialog as follows:36. 36 Loading data to buffer Select data file 123.bin. Press"Open"then select the type of file, Confirmed, shown as follows:Data loading to designated address in buffer Press "Config": ConfigCan set the device config such as WDTEN,CP,CPD.Select as you 37. 37want.Confirm your selection and press [Go], programmer will run thefunction one by one. Take AT90S853 for an example, select thefollowing items from the Window of"Select Manufacturer/Type" TypeMCU/MPU Manufacturer:ATMEL Device:AT90S853 Press "Confirm",springthe follows picture for pins. Operation box left hand beside bufferwill spring the five functions of this device: AT90S8535 placedBack to main menu. Loading the data to buffer;insert the same typedevice in to lock block. 38. 38 Operation box left hand besidebuffer will spring the seven functions of this device: Erase, Checkblank, Write code, Verify, Lock were introduced in Chapter 3:Read-write EPROM. Write data was introduced by example ofPIC12F629. Function of write configuration fuse: press Configbesides buffer, shown as follows : 39. 39 Set config: set config,effective with RCEN. Press [Go]to make the device be written. TakeATMEG8L for an example, select the following items from the Windowof"Select Manufacturer/Type" Type MCU/MPU Manufacturer:ATMELDevice:ATMEG8L Back to main menu. Loading the data to buffer, inputfile"123.hex"to buffer. 40. 40 Load data file to buffer:pressmenu/load data to buffer, shown a dialog as follows: Load data tobuffer 41. 41 Select file as.bin, press "Open", shown: Data bufferLots of device needless to select byte except this. So take carewhen load data: select byte as the following picture: Select byteShould chose 16th byte of 2(8th). 42. 42 Press "device config" toset fuse file of device as the following picture shown: Fuseconfiguration settings Select as you want,then insert the same typeof device into the lock block.Operation box will spring eightfunctions: 43. 43 Select the function what you want,press [Go]towrite-in devices,or press [Run]to write-in much more devices onetime. 44. 44 You can save the config as a project in order to makethe next operation conveniently: press menu/file/save project,pop-up a dialog as follows: Save project File named as "",press "Save". Take W79E2051 for an example, select the followingitems from the Window of"Select Manufacturer/Type" Type: MCU/MPUManufacturer: WINBOND Device: 9E2051 Back to main menu. Loading thedata to buffer, input file"123.hex"to buffer. 45. 45 Loading thedata to buffer;insert the same type device in to lock block. Press"device configuration". Select intemal RC for vibration mode ,voltage detection for 2.7V, select "Effective" others. Set thedevice config as you want Operation box will spring fivefunctions:46. 46 Select the function you need in operation box. Pressmenu/file/save project, pop-up a dialog as follows: Save the filenamed "". 4. Read-write Serial Port Memory Take 24c02for example, select the following items from the Window 47. 47of"Select Manufacturer/Type" Type: Serial Port MemoryManufacturerMICROSHIP Device 24LC16 Press "Confirm" back to themain menu, input the data to buffer. Select the speed to write-in:press "Device Config", shown in buffer: 1 Page delay, 2 Way towrite, 3 Way to read, 4 Voltage. Set as you want. Select Writ-InSpeed and Programming Voltage: The write-in speed of the serialport memory has much variation. It is not wrong to select thelowest one, while the write-in period might be longer. If properspeed is required, it is recommended to select different speedexperiments to achieve. When the speed is too high, the adjacentdata might encounter with repeated faults. In generally, it isrelatively suitable to adopt 2-20mS. Read-out Device Selectmenu/operation/read-out device or click tools ,programmer will readthe data to buffer zone. Write-in Device: Selectmenu/operation/read-out device or click tools .These series ofdevice are written in replacement mode, namely, these apparatusesare in no need of being erased. Comparable DataIt has the functionas same as those of the "EE read-write memory". You could write andverify in one time by using operation box. 48. 48 Press [Go], thereport will spring "Complete, the work expand 7.4 seconds." whilewritten-in. It will show you the wrong address and code if one ofthe process is wrong. 5. Read-write PLD Take ATF20V8B/L forexample, select the following items from the Window of"SelectManufacturer/Type". Type: Programmable Logical Drive Manufacturer:ATMEL Device: ATF20V8B/L Press "confirm" back to the main Windowinput fuse file of D20V8B(Detailed in 2.1.1 Open File) as follows:select the function you need in operation box , check it . Checkall if all of them you need. 49. 49 Press [Go],to erase, checkblank, write code, verify, lock. Separate operation: Check blankand Verify data: has the same function with "Read-Write EEPROM".Erase device: Erase the originalcontent in device, concluding andarray fuse, configuration control field, field signs. Lock: Thesame function with ""Read-Write EEPROM" SRAMTest With the example of 628128,select in Select Manufacturer/Typebox Category:SRAM Test Manufacturer:STAND Part Series:628128 128K*8Press "Yes" button,pop up SRAM Test Window as follows: The menu ischiefly used to test the common static storage SRAM. Press"Start"[Go],and the programmer test each byte of memory to ensurethe 50. 50 test is performed stably. Reading and writing operationof self-battery static memory are reserved in the operationalfunctions. Finished the operation,report Otherwise, 51. 51 Chapter4 Display Show Project Buffer To show the projectwhich was load to buffer. Show Data Buffer To show thedata which was load to buffer. It just work on the device whichselected to be write-in. Show config Will show theconfig of device by selected. Information of device52. 52 Chapter 5 Tools Settings topwin6 offer thefunction of write-in "Additional Information", it means shortmessage besides the user code file, it can change every time whilewrite-in, you can use it to lock data or others you want. TheWindow as follows: It has three tab in this Window for you toselect what you need. 1. "Linear incremental" tab: (1). Type theaddress of additional information in editor box of "start address",the address should be the rest space in device, generally behindthe file. If the space of device were filled by user code file, theadditional information can not be write-in. (2). Select bytes inlength in editor box of "bytes in length". Most eight bytes(2 M64-bit integer). (3). Type the initial round in "Numerical" editorbox, the initial round will change later. 53. 53 (4). Selectincrease in "incremental" editor box, it is also the initial round,or is reduction if add a negative in front of it. (5).Select "Allowlinear incremental". 2. "Date And Time" tab: (1). Type date andtime in "start address" editor box. (2). Select "Allow Date AndTime". (3). Date and time is from computer, needless inputyourself. 54. 54 3. Others: (1). Check state of pin contact: theprogrammer will check the state of pin contact ever time, report atonce if one of pin was broken. And stop the process. (2). Checkcurrent over the limited: check current over the limited alwayseffective even if the select had been prohibited. 55. 555. Information of programmer Programmerself-test Select the function, programmer will test itself andshown in report: At the end it shown: Show the error number: 56. 565. IC Test:::: Test good or bad and logic functions ofthousands types of devices series of 74,45,40. Type: test TTL/CMOSPress "Confirm", pop-up a test Window as follows: Test TTL/CMOSSelect the type of series of device need to be tested. A horn ringif the device is good, otherwise ring bell three times. Thefunction is additional function, so it is normal a very small cannot be tested or quit. 57. 57 58. 58 2ff7e9595c
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