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Hecht optics 4th edition pdf download: A classic textbook on optical science and engineering

PrefaceAbout This EditionExcept for this preface, the front matter, and the errata that follows, this Laser LightPress edition reprints the fifth edition of Understanding Fiber Optics published in 2006by Pearson Education, Inc. I am planning a sixth edition, but because that will takea while to prepare and with the Pearson edition is no longer available, I amreprinting the fifth through Laser Light Press. It may not cover the cutting edge offiber optics, but it does cover the fundamentals you need to understand the field.

hecht 4th ed optics pdf download

Whether you are an instructor, a student or a general reader, I would appreciateyour comments and suggestions. If you are teaching a course based on the book,please contact me at for an instructor's manual. You can findmore information on the book's status and on associated material at through or through

Fiber optics has revolutionized telecommunications in the same way the railroadsrevolutionized land transportation in the years my great-great-grandfather workedfor one. Like the railroad business, the fiber-optic business has had its spectacularbooms and busts. The telecommunications bubble brought dreams of riches, butthe bust that followed left nightmares of ruin and grim jokes about the stocks ofonce high-flying companies. Yet the bubble and its aftermath are reminders thatfiber optics is a technology that may be too good for its own good. Like therailroads and the Internet, fiber optics was something so good that the stock marketwildly overvalued it; and like the Internet, fiber optics will be part of our future.

I wrote the first edition of this book mainly for self-study, but it is now usedwidely in classroom settings. My goal is to explain principles rather than to detailprocedures. When you finish, you should indeed understand fiber optics. Youshould be able to understand what the field is all about, comprehend what you readin trade journals such as Lightwave or Laser Focus World, make sense of what peoplein the field are saying, and explain fiber optics to your Aunt Millie or your niece.You won't be ready to design a brand new system, but you will be literate in the field.Think of it as Fiber Optics 101, a foundation for your understanding of a growingtechnology.

To explain the fundamentals of fiber optics, I start with ideas that may seem basicto some readers; the details will follow. To make concepts accessible, I includedrawings to show how things work, limit math to simple algebra, and step throughsome simple calculation to show how they work. I compare fiber optics with othercommon technologies and highlight similarities and differences. I have organizedthe book to facilitate cross-referencing and review of concepts, and made a point ofadding a thorough index to make its contents accessible. I also include someinformation on the business side of the technology, and boxes that talk about keyissues that the fiber-optics community needs to think about.

Appendices tabulate useful information, including values of important physicalconstants, conversion factors, and a few key formulas. They're all in one place tomake them easier to find. They also include an annotated list of resources, inaddition to the suggestions for further reading in each chapter. So many resourcesare available on the Internet that I can't hope to compile a thorough list; Iencourage you to use search engines creatively. I welcome your comments,questions, and suggestions at 2ff7e9595c

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